Should You do a DIY Will or Business Power of Attorney During Your Shelter-in-Place?
COVID-19 has made everyone aware that they should have a will, business power of attorney and medical health care surrogate. I've been focusing in this legal field of Estate Planning for nearly 30 years.
Cheap, online DIY sites are popping up. Please do not fall for this being a DIY project during your homestay. Even before all of this, Estate Planning was not a DIY project. Estate Planning is complicated. That's why we call it "Planning;" it is not just filling in blanks on a form. Only an experienced lawyer understands the nuances including protecting minors, homestead, taxes, succession planning and asset protection.
Please call an attorney. But please do not DIY.
Rignanese & Associates Law and the Legal Eagles Team are OPEN AND OPERATING, WHILE USING ALL SAFETY GUIDELINES.